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Minimalist Self-Timed Races

Celebrate the true spirit of trail running by participating in India's first and only

100% self-supported, self-navigated and self-timed trail race series.

international trail running association itra green charter
international trail running association itra member organisation
international trail running association itra national leage

Self Supported. Self Navigated. Self Timed


No route markings

We provide you a .gpx file


No aid stations

You carry all that you need


No support of any kind

You scan QR codes en route


international trail running association ira 1 point race
ultra trail du mont blanc utmb 20 Index race

Right at the border between Delhi and Faridabad, Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary is a haven for any outdoors enthusiast. And with it's collection of 8+ lakes, wild vegetation, muddy and rocky trails, CTRS-ASOLA is a race that'll test much more than your running skills.

large lake in a mining pit seen from the top of the cliff
serene lake surrounded by hills and cliffs


international trail running association itra
ultra trail du mont blanc utmb 20 Index race

Situated at the far-eastern end of NCR, Panikot is one of the most beautiful lakes in the region. CTRS-PANIKOT is a pure speed and thrill adventure, one that can excite, push and challenge the fastest of runners with a route that's worthy of a PB and a view that's worthy of a million hearts.


Bang in the middle of South Delhi, Lal Kot dates back to the 11th century AD. It's older than any other part of Delhi and has bastions, ruins, jungles and gravesites scattered all around. CTRS-LALKOT is a team race through history where you'll run on this modern city's most ancient soil.

stone staircase in a forest

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Become a CapitalTrails CLUB member and be a part of India's largest trail running community

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